Hi. I’m Tyler. I’m usually just a copywriter, but sometimes I write other things, too. One time I wrote a novel. Someday I might write another.
Pop Loser is a blog I have written on and off since 2007. The most recent iteration is a bit esoteric, but I like it. I also make mixtapes.
This site is powered by Micro.blog using an increasingly butchered version of the Marfa theme. You can follow updates using these XML feeds:
☠️ Pop Loser, Just the blog, which publishes weeklyish, including new mixtapes. / 🚒 Firehose, The blog, my “tweets”, and my media logs. It’s maybe a post per day on a really good week. / 📻 Mixtapes, A podcast feed for just the mixtapes. The schedule varies, but I’m hoping to do about 12–15 this year.
Short posts (fka “tweets”) are made with the official Micro.blog iOS. For long posts I use IA Writer.
Things posted here sometimes also appear on Mastodon (which I love, but don’t use enough) and/or Bluesky (which I hate, but still occasionally use). Other things you can find if you know where to look include my classic arcade scores, movielog, booklog and photos.
Any headshots of me are by Monique de St. Croix.