VOL 4, NO 6

Comfortably dumb. / The problem is always people. Always. We are good at a lot of things, but somehow also bad at everything. We are stupid. We repeat our mistakes again and again. We never learn, mostly because we don’t especially want to. Learning is hard. Ignorance is bliss. I is tired.

Dumping a gogabazillion dollars into AI remains an obviously dumb idea. Adding quote-tweets to Mastodon is probably a dumb idea. Electing pretty much anyone to anything is never a good idea. See? Terrible things are everywhere and they are because people, generally, fucking suck. We are always, always, always the problem.

Not you, though. You’re great. Enjoy some links!

AI Image
”The Girl with a Pearl Earring bleeding from her eyes and ears” / AI Generated / 2025

Confusions. / ☄️ Are we doomed yet?, asteroid impact probability. Related: So about that asteroid. / 👾 RetroFab, a collection of playable old-school handheld games. / Mike Tyson finally beaten in under 2 minutes. / Dragonsweeper. / Little Sisyphus. / ♟️ Blunder Chess. / “The Pinball Philosophy”. / ⚱️ Tom Robbins and David Edward Byrd died. / 🎨 Floor796. / Monospace, an ASCII art generator. / Essential Vermeer. / ✌️

Tyler Hellard @poploser