VOL 1, NO 5
📰 The only way to save journalism is public funding. ❝‘Creative destruction,’ so beloved by economic theorists, can be scary but beneficial in the long term. This is not that. This is just destruction. The reporters being laid off now are not going to go get jobs at an intriguing news startup in a few months. They are going to get jobs outside of journalism, because the journalism jobs have simply been eradicated.❞
Sausage links. / 🌭 I trust you because you have a dick. / 🚽 Stop sharing selfies with toilets in them, you sickos. / 🏄 The point of Point Break. ❝The year of Nevermind and Desert Storm, though you could also think of it as the era when everyone in Hollywood movies looked slightly wet.❞ / 🤯 Literally my wildest dream. / 🖍️ The origins of Comic Sans. / 🦠 Double dipping in the post-pandy era.