VOL 1, NO 3

Social Needia. / 📱 Daft Social, the anti-social social network for minimalists. / Perfectly Imperfect, which I’m using to try and understand the youngs. / Swipe right to add me to your professional network on LinkedIn. ❝The common thread for love-hijacked social-media sites is a single feature: DMs.❞

Ed Zitron goes off. ❝There is no reason to be a “ techno-optimist ” because the tech industry has outright abused consumers to the point that existing online is a continual war against the internet itself.❞

Play things. / 🧑‍🎨 An interview with Art But Make It Sports, the last good Twitter account. ❝If I were to find a similar scene but the person has their clothes on, it’s not going to hit.❞ Amen, mon frère. Amen. / 👾 The King Of Kong 2: Electric Peer Review. / Sarien.net, the authorized portal for reliving classic Sierra On-Line adventure games, and Web-Adventures.org for playing classic text games (via Things). / Inside the New York Times big bet on games. / 📻 DATPIFF has relaunched 50 TB of hip-hop mixtapes on the Internet Archive.

Tyler Hellard @poploser